The House of Stained Glass
I was at a family(?) party.
I don't remember much about the party itself, but I do remember that the house had a balcony. And in it there was a group of people I didn't know, but even isolated in their corner it was visible that they weren't crashing the party or anything like that.A lot of people told me that they were bad people- No explanation or anything. But anyways I just accepted the information.
I also remember a robot. It was big and had a femenine design- Like a mama bear robot. But since i was in a dream, it wasn't weird to me. Suddently, I saw a big house closeby. It was really weird even for a dream because it appeared suddently and TOO close of the house we werte partying at. The house was old, but really beautiful. There was a gorgeus vitral up the door, and it almost hipnotised me. I was really curious about the house, and the robot explained me that that house belonged to the bead mother of my mother. My biological grandmother that I never met, since she died before she was 40. I felt something weird coming from inside so I tried to break in.
The mama bear robot appeared to help me, she just made sure i would promise that i would let the "bad guys" in. I promissed but... Just when i got in, I got on tip-toes and saw through the vitral(I THINK it transformed into normal glass when I got in?? I can't explain, it's a dream after all... But it transformed right back later) ANd two of the bad guys were very near there, I could see them trying to get in too. I tried to block the entry but it didn't work.
And when we were all in (me, the robot and the 2 bad guys), and I could hear the door locking. We were trapped in there.
After that things started to blur. The house became a non-Euclidean space(actually, maybe all dreams are non-euclidean spaces) and we couldn't get out. It turned out that the bad guys weren't sadistic like, it was pretty hard to take them seriously. Bad guys in a team rocket way, not in a murderous way. The robot was quiet the whole time. Like, WAYY too quiet. I think she was AI, and it was obvious that she was concious of every little thing that happened. But she didn't say nothing. She was always there, like an observer who know everything. I didn't realize how creepy this whole thing was inside the dream, to me it was more like adventure. But now, with an external point of view...
Every room was like a puzzle. The gothic archithethure blurred with bright colors of the vitrals. Every room looked like the last one, the vitrals shine and that made us think that it wasthe light from outside. But it never was.
The robot knew my biological grandmother, I figured. She told me that she wanted me to find the house. Maybe thats why the house got close, who knows. But then, why was I locked there? Punishment for letting the ones that she disaproves of get in? She isn't that kind of person, as far as I know
Something happened then, in one of the rooms
It made me wake up in the second. Maybe i realized I was dreaming or something? Im still praticing getting lucid without waking up, so that would be normal
But I don't think that's it. Something happened and I can't remember
Anyways, now I'll only know what if it has a sequel- It's pretty rare but it happens
But I hope my first sequel isn't with this one dream, even thought it makes me curious it wasn't exciting, thrilling or scary enough
But at least I dreamed that night, that makes me happy enough for now